Localization process using #Github & #Transifex


Hi to all I have been refining the process to upload resources to GitHub and connect the repositories to Transifex

Source… a cookbok repo:


Resource in Transifex page:


The process

  1. Pull or clone the repositories
  2. Convert the source to a PO file. I make this with Po4A
    1.  po4a-gettextize -f Text -M utf-8 -m README.md  -p /language/README.pot
    2. Rename the *.POT file to a XXX.lang.PO file . You should have to edit the header of the file... I don't do it ^_^
  3. Commit and Push the changes to GitHub
  4. Create the project on Transifex or add a resource to an existing project
  5. Edit the resources and in the field "URL SOURCE FILE" add the link of the RAW file *.PO in github. In this case https://raw.github.com/alvarmaciel/recetario/master/languajes/README.en.po

I hope this help to other to bring more documents to transifex and have the sources on Github


Alvar Maciel

Docente, busco entender el engranaje tecnológico en el que estamos metides. Trabajo y escribo acerca de la educación.

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